WordPress Stats Infographic

My Google Analytics plugin recently hit 3 million downloads and my WordPress SEO plugin hit its first million downloads. I thought those stats were cool and I decided to have an infographic made with more WordPress stats and dive in a little bit more and gather some stats that I thought would be interesting.

If you read any blogs in the world, by now you’ll know WordPress dominates the top 100 blogs in the world, Matt had some interesting comments about that. We’ve seen more WordPress stats, like these by Lorelle. I then started adding more stats on my own.

I asked Experian Hitwise to give me some stats about visits to WordPress.org, Drupal.org and Joomla.org in the UK and US, which they did (thanks!). Upwork (former: oDesk) and Freelancer.com have some great WordPress stats pages and of course there’s a bit of info on WordPress.org itself. So, with all of that and some I’m probably forgetting, Design by Soap made the following infographic for me, I hope you like it, if you do, please share it!

WordPress Stats

WordPress Stats infographic by Yoast

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